понедельник, 2 сентября 2013 г.

Web-master in Ashkhabad. Web-master in Turkmenistan.

Work for Web-master in Turkmenistan

Web-master in Ashkhabad. Web-master in Turkmenistan.

Professional executes; accomplish; run; perform; fulfill; carry out work on representation of the Companies Turkmenistan in Network Internet:

(the site-morning coat in Ashkhabad, site to companies in Ashkhabad, corporative site in Ashkhabad, internet-shop window in Ashkhabad, internet-catalogue in Ashkhabad, internet-shop in Ashkhabad, universal site in Ashkhabad, internet-portal in Ashkhabad, internet-forum in Ashkhabad, блог in Ashkhabad, business-blog in Ashkhabad, business-journal in Ashkhabad).

Service Web-site in Ashkhabad, support and advancement site in Ashkhabad, promote site in Ashkhabad, advertisement site in Ashkhabad.

Spreading the advertising leaflets (flyer) in Ashkhabad

(this type of the work execute; accomplish; run; perform; fulfill; carry out only for that companies Ashkhabad, which I have done Veb-site).
Any other types of the advertising work in Internet (the fabrication флэш-banners, advertisement in search system and etc.).

Any work begins only after signing the agreement and undertaking the payment. The Payment is produced in манатах Turkmenistan cash or transfer (the bank requisitions will is specified in contract).
The Cost of the work on creation Web-site in Ashkhabad   contractual (from 560 manats).

(These prices has power or on sites, which made I, or on any your sites if beside you there is access in panel of management)   payment preliminary.

Address once   100 manats (the accompaniment material on site from 1 before 5 texts, record in news or блоги, photography and etc.);
Address before 4 once a month   300 manats;
The Agreement on full service (Bezlimitnoe address in workday and in worker watch)   770 manats.
Writing the advertising text for site in Ashkhabad with publication in Internet   600 manats (the volume of the text before 1500 signs, domain and site-card on 1). In recently the most asking type of the work!
If You work not only on Turkmen market, that помогу in searching for Foreign partner (C.I.S., Europe, Asia, USA).

P.S. I do not render the facilities, but execute; accomplish; run; perform; fulfill; carry out all work on Labor contract, according to Labor Code Turkmenistan.

You are found on temporary put-card Veb-master. In the near future I запущу Updated site with by all means of work in Ashkhabad on creation and promotion site.